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Broadband amp software optimizes output signals

  • 5G
  • 2023-09-23 20:18:48

A software package for the R&S BBA300 RF amplifier allows users to set the bias point and high power output via a straightforward web GUI. The BBA300-PK1 software option provides access to the amplifier’s extensive parameter sets for use in a variety of applications, from EMI immunity and RF component testing to medical and scientific particle accelerators.

Models in the BBA300 series of broadband amplifiers offer continuous frequency ranges from 380 MHz to 6 GHz at up to 300 W of output power. Units support amplitude, frequency, phase, pulse, and complex OFDM modulation.

The BBA300-PK1 software introduces two tools for optimizing the output signal to meet a wide range of test requirements. The first tool allows bias point adjustment between Class A and Class B. Shifting to Class AB enables pulsed signals to be reproduced accurately at high power, while improving efficiency.

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The second tool offers a high power mode that provides high maximum power with a well-matched RF path, while VSWR mode furnishes rated power with high tolerance to load mismatches. VSWR mode is useful in EMC applications because it maintains rated power up to a VSWR of 6:1 before the amplifier gradually reduces its rated power to 50% for self-protection in the event of an open or short circuit.

For more information on the BBA300 broadband amplifier, as well as the BBA300-PK1 software option, use the link to the product page below.

BBA300 product page

Rohde & Schwarz

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