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STM32 MCU software promotes USB

X-Cube-UCSI expansion software enables an STM32 MCU to serve as a UCSI-compliant USB Type-C platform policy manager (PPM). Part of the STM32Cube software ecosystem, the USB Type-C Connector System Software Interface (UCSI) expansion package includes libraries, drivers, sources, APIs, and an application example running on an STM32G0 32-bit MCU.

The X-Cube-UCSI software lets the MCU connect to the main system processor and exchange information with the operating system using the UCSI protocol, while controlling the USB-C attachment and PD protocol. The main processor, which can be a system-on-chip, application processor, or STM32MP microprocessor, acts as the UCSI operating system policy manager (OPM).

The PD controller on-board the STM32 MCU performs as a UCSI platform policy manager (PPM). The necessary USB Type-C and Power Delivery (UCPD) peripheral is available in various STM32 MCUs. The lowest-cost variant is the STM32G0 line, making it a suitable low-pin-count companion chip for the MPU dedicated to handling the PD functionality.

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According to ST, X-CUBE-UCSI expansion software helps developers to build a USB PD dual-role power (DRP) application, as well as support alternate-mode commands. X-Cube-UCSI is available to download for free by using the link to the product page below.

X-Cube-UCSI product page


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